resolve a potential path_alias to its absolutely referenced path from an import_map. if the input path_alias is not a part of the provided import_map, then undefined will be returned.

for further reading on the specifics of what constitutes an import-map, see the documentation of ImportMap.

import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "jsr:@std/assert"

// aliasing our function for brevity
const fn = resolvePathFromImportMap

const my_import_map = {
// non-directory specifiers (i.e. not used for prefixing)
"square" : "./module/shapes/square.js",
"circle" : "",
"" : "",
"./shapes/circle" : "/modules/shapes/circle/",

// directory specifiers (i.e. used for matching prefixing of path alias)
"shapes/" : "./module/shapes/",
"other-shapes/" : "",
"other-shapes/triangle/" : "file:///C:/Users/illuminati/",
"../modules/shapes/" : "/modules/shapes/",

// incorrect import map value.
// resolving this key will throw an error because the value should end in a trailing slash,
// since the key also ends in a trailing slash.
"modules/css/" : "/modules/shapes/css",

fn("square", my_import_map),

fn("circle", my_import_map),

// the following is not resolved because the `"circle"` key in `my_import_map` does not end with a trailing slash,
// which is a requirement for matching prefix directories.
fn("circle/bold-circle.js", my_import_map),

fn("", my_import_map),

// even though there is no exact match of the non-normalized input path here,
// once it is normalized inside of the function, it matches the same key as the previous test's.
fn("", my_import_map),

// even relative imports can be thought as path aliases, so long as there is a key for it in `my_import_map`.
// moreover, it is permissible for an import-map value to end with a trailing slash, even when its associated key does not.
fn("./shapes/circle", my_import_map),

fn("shapes/", my_import_map),

fn("shapes/rectangle.ts", my_import_map),

fn("other-shapes", my_import_map),

fn("other-shapes/doritos.html", my_import_map),

// the path alias is matched with the longest key first,
// which is why it resolves to a path different from the prior test's key.
fn("other-shapes/triangle/doritos.html", my_import_map),

// the value of the key "modules/css/" is invalid (non-specs compliant),
// since it does not end with a trailing slash, whereas the key does end with one.
assertThrows(() => {
fn("modules/css/cicle.css", my_import_map)
  • Type Parameters


    • path_alias: string
    • import_map: M

    Returns undefined | string | M[keyof M]