the configuration interface of the function resolvePathFromImportMapEntries.

interface ResolvePathFromImportMapEntriesConfig {
    sort: boolean;
    errorCheck: boolean;
    baseAliasDir: string;
    basePathDir: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


sort: boolean

apply descending-order sorting to the input export_map_entries's alias keys. the sorting is necessary to produce the correct result. however, if you have the entries pre-sorted, then there is no need for this, and you may set this option to false to skip the sorting step.


errorCheck: boolean

ensure that the import/export-map's alias directories correspond to path directories as well.


baseAliasDir: string

the base directory, to which the import/export-map-aliases are relative to.

for instance:

  • if an export map is: { "./aliased/path": "./src/mod.ts" },
  • and the baseAliasDir option is set to "jsr:@scope/lib@version/" (a trailing slash will always be added, unless the original alias was exactly "." or "").
  • then, the equivalent export-map that resolvePathFromImportMapEntries will be resolving with regards to will be:
{ "jsr:@scope/lib@version/aliased/path": "./src/mod.ts" }

"" (an empty string, so that no prefixes are added to the aliases)

basePathDir: string

the base directory, to which the import/export-paths are relative to.

for instance:

{ "./aliased/path": "" }

"" (an empty string, so that no prefixes are added to the paths)