the configuration interface for the resolve import-map factory function onResolveImportMapFactory.

interface ResolveImportMapFactoryConfig {
    importMap: ImportMap;
    pluginDataMarker: symbol;
    namespace?: any;


importMap: ImportMap

specify the import-map to use for resolving aliases. to read more about import-maps check out ImportMap.

{} (empty object/dictionary)

pluginDataMarker: symbol

provide a unique symbol that will be implanted into the entity's esbuild.OnResolveArgs.PluginData, so that subsequent calls to the same import-map path-resolver will terminate early, in order to avoid infinite recursion.


namespace?: any

specify an optional namespace to assign to entity being resolved, if it does happen to be part of your importMap. if the input entity's path is not part of the import-map, then this namespace will not be assigned.
